Newsletter: October 23
Beautiful Nidderdale!
I didn’t expect to be writing this; I very nearly didn’t in fact…then I thought well, I made a commitment to myself to write a newsletter each month, and I really hate not showing up. I have hardly been in the studio this month as family priorities have taken over…I don’t write about my family because I’ve always thought it was a little unfair, but they will always come first, and this week we have a family funeral. So I’m hoping you’ll forgive a shorter and probably a little hasty version this time.
I come from a background with a very strong work ethic, and having been self employed and freelance for a long long time, I’m pretty good at the discipline of getting work done, deadlines, committing and generally being organised. However, I do want to say that there does come a point at which, as an artist or creative in any field, you just can’t function creatively without some headspace…when there’s a lot going on in life, sometimes art does just have to take a back seat, or even a complete pause. I’m saying this for my benefit as much as anyone’s as I still have a tendency to feel ridiculously guilty if I haven’t got any work done…it’s a strange thing isn’t it? I don’t know why we do it to ourselves.
Anyway I’m giving myself a bit of a break, looking after family and grabbing a little therapeutic studio time when I can!
Here goes for a very quick catch up then…
I had a lovely time at the beginning of the month, running my course at The Lund…always a wonderful place to work and if you love creative courses, they really are well worth checking out.
For those that missed out this time and just in case anyone is looking for something as a perfect creative pick me up next spring, I will be running a 3 day painting course there, which will be brilliant as it allows much more time and space to really develop skills, ideas and work- above all it will be a fun day in a relaxed and welcoming environment, with the bonus of great food! Those who aren’t close by in Yorkshire, there are great places to stay, and it’s a brilliant place for a short break. If you would like to know more, you can check out all the details on the following link: Spring Course at The Lund
Other than that, I’ve been pushing on with my moorland paintings, and thought I might share a little process video…it shows the making of a small intuitive study, the kind I make as starting points for paintings. It’s speeded up a little to avoid boredom, but shot in one go and took about 8 minutes real time. I made a whole bunch of them, and then started work on some large paintings, with the same feel.
Next month I’ll be able to share the finished paintings so far and loads more process, plus I hope to have some gallery news for upcoming shows! As a teaser the in situ shot shows one that I think might be finished?
New moorland painting-find out much more next month.
Apologies again for the much shorter than usual newsletter and the lack of a sound file, which I know some of you really like-hopefully next month things will be back to normal and I’ll be able to share loads of process and all the ideas I’ve been working on.
If you have any questions or things you’d like me to cover, hit the button below and fire away.
In the meantime, I really appreciate your patience,- stick with me and I hope you all have a lovely, happy and creative month!
Keep in touch, take care and see you next time,
Jo xx
All content, text and images ©Jo York 2023