August 2024: Newsletter
...we've had so much rain this year, the bracken has gone slightly nuts, to the extent that a lot of our favourite walks require the use of a machete! This is one of them and it is pretty much impassible, but still there's a glorious view out over Nidderdale and a beautiful sky!
Welcome to my August studio news!
I’ve had a really busy month, painting walls as much as painting canvases, but that’s all good; I quite like decorating anyway!
I popped in to see Sarah at the beautiful Silson Contemporary earlier in the month, and dropped off some new work….including the piece shown below, which I am specially fond of. It’s called Spirit of the Moor and as the title suggests it is about walking a local moorland. It fits very much into my atmospheric abstraction work and I do really love the colours and soft textures which come through.
You can see the work in person and also online; plan a visit or view the work online by visiting the Gallery website here:
Spirit of the Moor: Available now from Silson Contemporary
I just couldn't resist sharing this random video clip below-this is us trying to drive down our lane, the problem is, it's rush hour!!
Also by way of random news, the blackbirds have eaten all our redcurrants as usual, but we have tons of blackcurrants, and I’ve been busy making blackcurrant Jelly and Delia’s no churn blackcurrant ice cream-Check out the link at the bottom of this newsletter, if you have blackcurrants, it’s so easy and absolutely delicious, and you don’t need an ice cream maker!
I love the colour of blackcurrants and was just a bit fascinated by the abstract colours and shapes in the bowl when I was straining the currants through muslin…artists, we’re a weird lot!!
Finally this month, we have had some really warm sunny days, and I’ve been enjoying walking along our local river. It’s heavily wooded and darkly overhung with trees so very soothing on a sticky day, and that sound of water flowing by is blissful.
Walking along our local river...
I think these walks have permeated through and I’ve spent a lot of this month working on a large, metre square canvas. This one is also very abstract, but plays with remembered impressions; glimpses of water through dense undergrowth, deep darks and patches of bright light.
I’ve called it, ‘Gently Flowing Water’ and I hope you like it! I might do some more, maybe a little series???
Gently Flowing Water
This one is an interesting example of using contrasting base colours-I started by painting the canvas with a range of warm pinky tones, which made a good base for the blues, and if you look closely, you can see these colours peeking through in a few areas (easy to spot in the large image above).
The painting is made in layers of oil and cold wax on a nice heavy deep canvas and with loads of interesting mark making-off to the framer soon! Let me know if you're interested!
As I like to have a few things on the go, I’ve been working on a slightly smaller piece alongside the one above, also in oil and cold wax…In case you were wondering, summer is my time of year for oils, as I can have my windows and studio door open, and it’s not so bad for the asthma!
This one explores the idea of light and colour, in soft blue greys, greens and earthy tones…it has so many layers; first in acrylics and then building the oils on top.
You can see below some process shots and my colour mixes, on scrap card- the left hand image shows the underpainting which is in acrylics and mainly used to establish darks and lights, think through ideas and plot key elements in the composition.
Strangely, as there is some yellow in the work i’m sharing this month, I’ve realised I really don’t use much yellow at all! Therefore, as a bit of a teaser for next month, this is a grid and some sketchbook samples I’ve been playing with, aiming to highlight yellows a little and make more use of them…here experimenting with Hansa Yellow, Cadmium Yellow, Turner’s Yellow and the gorgeous Quinacridone Gold from Winsor and Newton professional, which is an amazing glazing colour!
As I’m mentioning Turner’s Yellow,
(which is in the Liquitex range in this case), I thought it was also worth saying that I’m reading the excellent biography about Turner, by Franny Moyle.
I love History of Art anyway and Turner is one of my heroes, but this is so much more; wonderful if you love social history too, and if you’re interested in London. This is a really interesting and thoughtful book, setting Turner in the broader context of contemporary artists, the London he grew up in and the people and places he visited-so well worth reading!! Nicely times actually as we’ve just had a few days in London visiting family…just wandering around, I’m always fascinated by the rich and varied architecture you see….
L.H: Gorgeous brick at National Trust, Greys Court near Henley
Mid: Chiltern Firehouse, formerly Marylebone Fire Station-stunning building with so many details!
R.H: Mercato Mayfair, a vibrant use of a decommissioned church, now full of street food and bustle.
Well, I think that’s about it from me this month- I’ve kept it fairly brief because this is such a busy time; I still think of it as the start of a new year; back to school etc… and there always seems to be a lot going on, with people returning from holidays and getting back into the swing of things again.
I’m hoping to grab a few quiet walking days in Scotland next month, so until next time take care, keep in touch and have a happy and creative time!
Oh and check out the links below, including that delicious ice cream!
Jo xx
All content, text and images ©Jo York 2024
Links from this month’s news:
Hayden Gallery:
Silson Contemporary:
Northern Lights Gallery:
Delia Smith’s delicious black currant ice cream:
National Trust, Greys Court:
Franny Moyle’s great book on Turner:
Mercato Mayfair:
Winsor and Newton professional Acrylics including Quin Gold:
Links from this month’s news:
Hayden Gallery:
Silson Contemporary:
Northern Lights Gallery:
Franny Moyle’s book on Turner:
Greys Court:
Delia Smith’s Blackcurrant ice cream: