Newsletter: February 2022
Brimham Rocks: February 2022
February has been damp and dreary, with flooded fields across North Yorkshire and swollen rivers…the light has been difficult too; so grey and dark I’ve been working with lights on all day, and very little natural light at all. The photo is from a rare moment of calm, sunny weather in between the storms, and means a lot as we hope to be moving to a house nearby, within walking distance in fact! Keeping everything crossed as the house sale and purchase thing in the UK can be a bit of a nightmare, but I’ve also had to start packing…
And that’s where the problem lies! We both hate waste and like to reuse and repurpose as much as possible, which means we really don’t throw anything much away! The ‘fingers crossed’ new place has an office which will make a good studio. The compromise is it’s much smaller so I will have to prune my work stuff too…any good ideas for space saving art material storage/ studio hacks will be very gratefully received! Anyway I am now writing from what is a weirdly half-boxed up and rather tragic looking studio. I’m working with a minimal set of paints and brushes I have some work to finish, but everything else is in crates. On the positive side the new place has a much lighter studio and windows looking out on beautiful Nidderdale, so if I get stuck I can walk out the door and be straight onto the moors. Can’t wait!
Art-wise, Degrees of Abstraction has opened at the Tarpey Gallery: It is a really beautiful gallery space and features an exciting range of artists, so really well worth a visit in person or online!
I’ve been looking back at sketchbooks and swatches from a visit to the Galloway coast last Autumn. Absolutely everywhere on this small island has seemed really busy over the last couple of years, and I think I was really seeking peace and quiet and space to breathe, and Galloway delivered that in spades. I remember driving up and stopping off at a little place called Rockcliffe, not far at all from the main road. We got out wrapped up against the wind, and went for a walk…it was one of those moments when the shoulders go down, and you can feel yourself let out a sigh of relief. There was nobody around, the only sounds were sea birds and lapping water, and it was absolutely brilliant!
I’ve started to make some work inspired by the Galloway coastline, and realised immediately that the idea I wanted to convey was this immense sense of peace and calm. I’ve been looking at colour palettes and playing with textures, but definitely want to concentrate on the stillness and quiet.
This area of Ardwell beach above has more green gold colours than the ones shown in the swatches above; this is the next colour palette I want to look at…Molly grey blues against the warm green golds.
Above: I’m showing WIP on three initial Galloway canvases, with the largest being nearly there I think?
Below: Largest of the Galloway Coast paintings so far…probably just a few minor adjustments needed…It’s on a 76cm square canvas and provisionally called ‘Colours of Ardwell’, but that may well change!!
And just to finish for this month, there is a very very quick…blink and you’ll miss it, video of some of my work on show currently in the very beautiful Bils and Rye Gallery, in the flesh in Harrogate, and online : I had some lovely sales from them this month so many thanks to Nick and the lovely collectors involved. To watch, just click on the little arrow:)
I’m really not at all sure how much work I’m going to be able to do over the next month or so, but I am going to try to push on with my Galloway coast series, and I also have a bespoke frame to match to a painting from a recent sale…anyway, do please stick with me whilst we’re in the mess of packing up and getting ready to move, and hopefully it won’t be long before I can share some shots of my new studio set up!
*Don’t forget any small space storage/ studio hacks really would be very much appreciated!!
**Degrees of Abstraction at the Tarpey Gallery continues until 27th March online and in person…it’s a lovely gallery and well worth a visit if you get the chance:
***I’m also really delighted to be a featured artist in the latest edition of TUBES magazine which is now available. Painters Tubes is a fantastic resource for artists, gallerists and collectors, with wonderful online content, virtual exhibitions and regular magazines with a print as well as online edition…check it out if you haven’t already!
Well that’s about all from me this month!
As always a very big thank you to everyone who takes an interest in my work, follows me on Instagram and Facebook, and reads my newsletters! Special thanks also for all the lovely feedback and enquiries, I love reading them and always reply.
Until next month take good care,
Jo xx
All text and images copyright ©️Jo York 2022