Newsletter: July 22
After the 40 degree heat, cool dampness with low hanging cloud along the valley…the weather is never boring!
Only a few days ago it was 40 degrees and now its chilly; the weather round here definitely keeps you on your toes! Walking this morning I got drenched, first walking through the long grasses and then because, despite Clear Outside saying it wouldn’t, it rained again! Yesterday there was a weird temperature inversion and looking around us we could see low cloud clinging to the valley…the photo doesn’t do it justice, it looked much more dramatic….beautiful diffuse light.
For those of you who are my lovely subscribers, and therefore popped over to this page direct, I just wanted to let you know, in case you haven’t ventured further, that I’ve been gradually updating my website, and I’d love any feedback you may have…do have a mooch around, there is quite a lot to see. I’ll be adding more over the next month, so worth checking in when you have a few minutes to spare!
I’ve had a busy month; the website stuff takes me much longer than it would a pro, and I’ve also been sorting stuff for exhibitions…
I’m delighted to say that a bunch of literally just finished work is on its way to the lovely Bils and Rye Gallery, as part of their Abstract Blues Summer Show:
The whole show is available by visiting them in Harrogate, North Yorkshire if you’re in the area and online too, and includes the work I was talking about in last month’s blog…
This painting is made in many layers as normal, but here the layers are more opaque, creating a textured feel. I’ve also used some incised line detail, cutting through the top paint layer. For emphasis, I’ve also used a Derwent Sketching pencil to add power to some of these lines.
The four images below show some close ups from two paintings, demonstrating the thick colour overlays, and the incised details.
*I’m also delighted to be showing some work at the equally lovely Tarpey gallery in their permanent exhibition space; it is very much worth a visit now as they also have their Open Show running at the moment with loads of amazing work from a very wide range of artists.
My studio time this month has been spent working on two large Nidderdale canvases. They’ve been sat side by side in my studio and in between website stuff I’ve been gradually building the layers, living with them and contemplating; then going back in with some further layers. I use lots of different techniques, some for detail and some to build larger areas-the short video below shows work in progress on early layers, building glazes with translucent Golden acrylics, using one of my favourite tools; a Catalyst wedge. If you haven’t come across them before, they are made of a specialist silicone and they sit beautifully in the hand…you can spread a swathe of rich colour, a subtle glaze or make fine lines. they are very clever! No sponsorship by the way, I just like them!
Short process video: making translucent glazes…it’s a slow laborious process, but I enjoy it and it’s the only way to create the effects I’m looking for.
The close ups of sections from these new paintings above, show how layers of mark making and translucent glazes…
Below some WIP photos including painting the edges in a deep dark colour mix (Payne’s Grey and Burnt Umber)-I make up a big batch and store it in an empty paint pot with a good screw lid; another reason to love Golden!
The finished paintings are 76cm x 76cm on lovely deep canvases. Both come from daily walks across the fields from home, and they represent the soft grey light we’ve been having up here; which makes the solid structures of landscape seem diffuse and amorphous, and creates these very specific muted colours. Can’t tell you how many hours each one has taken, but I’m quite excited by them- hope you agree!
All the work shown will be added to the website soon, and I hope to have exhibition news for you next time.
Thank you so much for all the lovely messages and feedback which means a great deal!
Keep in touch and let me know if there’s anything you would like me to cover, or would like to know.
Until next month take good care, all very best,
Jo xx
All text and images copyright ©️Jo York 2022