Jo York

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Teasing some new work for January 2021!

Bit of a slow start to 2021, finding focus and motivation a little elusive at times; against the background of so much awful news… The thing that helps me at such times, is just to play, experiment, do loads of mark-making, make colour samples, and try out ideas, until eventually something clicks into place and you’re off!

Essentially the important thing is to take the pressure off, and just work with no expectation, even if it’s for fifteen minutes at a time to begin with….Inspiration will always come (eventually!!), but it has to find you working!!

*If you’re reading this and looking around my website, do sign up for my newsletter to get regular studio updates, first notice of new work and upcoming sales and exhibitions, and much more. If you sign up before the end of January 2021, you will be entered in my free prize draw to win a small mounted original piece….go on give it a go:)